Tips to Help You Lower Your HVAC Repair Cost

All HVAC systems including the top of range require regular servicing and maintenance. This is because of the constantly running parts and failing systems as part of its lifespan progression. The cost of the repairs can be overwhelming and it is for this reason that you must observe some practices that can lower these costs. Typically, HVAC systems are heavily strained as you shift from AC to furnace operations. It doesn’t matter if the AC worked well during summer, its efficiency could be much lower hence higher energy bills, system failures, and lower than expected performance.

With the following DIY maintenance steps, you can keep your system running at its best while at the same time lowering your repair costs.

Regularly Clean the Heat Pump or Condenser

An outdoor heat pump or AC can get really dirty. If this happens, your system will have to work extra hard just to create the degree of cooling or heating sufficient for your home. Cleaner condensers and heat pumps tend to be more effective and less likely to fail during operation. Be watchful for debris that accumulates at the top as well as the sides of your outdoor AC unit. Also check for pollen, leaves, or twigs around the clearance of the system.

Inspect the Filter

There is no meaningful discussion around the efficiency of a HVAC system that can happen without mentioning the cleanliness and functionality of the filter. In fact, a majority of the repair exercises on HVAC systems are usually occasioned by dirty air filters. The easiest way to maintain your HVAC system is to have its filter changed or cleaned regularly. This will increase the efficiency of your system and use much less energy. The filter should be inspected at least once per three months.

Get a Tune Up

Simply defined, a tune up is an onsite visit by a qualified technician who will proceed and check your system to confirm it is performing optimally. In most tune up scenarios, the technician will come with a checklist for a multipoint inspection including:

  • Checking of refrigerant levels
  • Coil cleaning
  • Filer inspection and changing
  • Inspection of the heat exchanger for leaks
  • Checking of the fan system for correct operation
  • Cleaning of drain lines

The tune up can be a one-off exercise or part of regular maintenance.

Thermostat Control

The use of thermostat especially the programmable one has been rated as one of the easiest way to save on heating and cooling bills. When you realize that your house is forever cold irrespective of how high the temperature is, chances are your thermostat is faulty. With a programmable thermostat, you can adjust the settings based on when you need the most heat. Check the settings of your thermostat to ensure they match your specific needs. If not adjust them.

Once again, schedule regular maintenance as this is one of the surest way to get your system operating at peak efficiency.

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