Getting your AC Ready for the Summer Season

AC UnitThe end of winter automatically ushers in spring and summer. Everyone who has been through the depths of winter has every reason to look forward to spring and summer if not for anything, just the sunshine and the warmth. It is very easy to get carried away by the joys of spring and forgetting that summer is beckoning around the corner. Air conditioning is necessary during summer because of the sweltering heat. Whether you have a scheduled maintenance plan or not, having your ac units inspected is a personal responsibility that you cannot transfer to anyone else.

Inefficient ac units consume a lot of power which can lead to the doubling or even tripling of your power bills. This is because the units will have to work harder in order to achieve the same output level as before. Repair costs are also common because of the frequent ac breakdowns. By preparing your ac systems in advance, you will not only reduce chances of inconveniences but also cut down on your energy costs by close to 20 percent. The following tips will go a long way into ensuring that your ac system is ready to cool you off during summer.

Clean or Change the Filters

Depending on the ac model, some have disposable filters that need to be changed regularly while others have filters that can be cleaned and refitted to serve another term. Irrespective of the type of filters that your ac system uses, you need to clean or change them at least once per month. Dusty or dirty filters make your ac system to work extra hard so as to deliver a desirable output. This can easily wear down the entire system making it susceptible to breakdowns and periodic failures.

Keep the Condenser Unit Clean

The outdoor unit of the ac system is very sensitive because of its exposure to the external environment. You should ensure that the unit is free from any blockage as a result of accumulated debris, grass clippings or plant growth. The condenser coil ought to be cleaned regularly. A clean condenser will reduce resistance thereby boosting the efficiency of your ac system. Ensure that the thermostat is turned off before attempting to clean the system.

Clean the Ductwork

Because of the fact that the ductwork is hidden within the walls and ceilings, chances of it being forgotten are very high. A professional should be hired in order to clean the bends and the hidden corners of the ductwork. During the ductwork cleaning, registers should be removed and inspected and all other parts of the duct analyzed for water and wear damage.

Inspect the Fan Belts

After running all through winter, the fan belts may become loose or misaligned. This means that they need adjustment or replacement so that they can work effectively. For replacements, you should ensure that the belts purchased fit into the existing system without any compromise. Fan belts contribute significantly to the efficiency of the entire system.

To make your work easier and to remove any doubts concerning the suitability of your ac system for the coming summer, you can get a professional to do a pre-season tune-up. This will ensure that all issues are addressed before they graduate into bigger problems.

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